Debra Messing wants Ellen to set her up with someone

Publish date: 2024-06-21

A couple of weeks ago I covered an interview with Connie Britton on Busy Tonight. Connie, 51, said that she’s single and looking and that it’s really hard to find a decent guy. She was hoping for a meet cute on a plane. If a gorgeous, famous and successful woman like Connie can’t find a good partner what are the chances for the rest of us? Well this made me more depressed. Debra Messing, 50, is also looking for a boyfriend. She asked Ellen if she wouldn’t mind setting her up with someone. Before they got into this they discussed the new year’s resolutions Debra had made on the show about a year ago. Debra had wanted to meditate more (she sort-of did), exercise daily (no), hang out with her girlfriends more (she did) and be open to dating more. She said “I have been open” and the audience busted out laughing.

Ellen reads: “Be open to dating more”
I have been open no one has asked me out on a date

Where are you going? Are your girlfriends all single?
They’re all in relationships.

Do you have single friends?
No. Are you good at setting people up?

I have set so many people up. Tell me what you’re looking for
Really smart, really funny, cares about the world.

Do you care if they’re in the business or not?
I’d rather not but I’m open

What about age?
I am open 10 years either way

As I mentioned in the Connie Britton post, this is a good way to meet someone if you’re famous. (Connie and Busy said that dating app for famous people is crap, incidentally.) You just make an announcement on a show and hope that the right person hears it. Again, what the hell do everyday women do? I met my boyfriend online but it wasn’t easy. The pool is so small and dirty, frankly, around our age. That’s true even if our age range is wide like Debra’s.

Here’s Debra’s interview!


