Was Josh Hartnett filmed having sex in a hotel library?

Publish date: 2024-06-28

Josh Hartnett has apparently been filmed by security cameras having sex in the library of the Soho hotel. This was captured on CCTV footage and watched by hotel personnel.

After stumbling in quite late, they legged it to the library and immediately closed all the curtains so that no one could see in.” So far, so considerate.

But our mole went on: “Unfortunately the hotel has security cameras all over the place – the library included.

“This means their every spit and cough was recorded, and cringing hotel workers saw all of Josh’s X-rated moves.

“No one quite knew where to look and there was a very awkward silence.

“Josh didn’t seem bothered that the library wasn’t locked and anyone could just burst in. He just kind of went for it.

“After the event, someone had a quiet word in Josh’s ear and he was asked to take his personal business elsewhere in future.

“Josh took it on the chin and didn’t kick up a fuss. He’s been as good as gold since.”

The Mirror

This reminds me of once when I was shopping in a department store, and I heard an announcement over the loudspeaker “Could the couple having sex in the change rooms please leave?”

Perhaps it is juvenile of me, but I can’t help but be impressed. Of all the places to have a public romp it seems to me that a library is the least likely place for it. After all, it’s so quiet, odds are pretty high someone is going to hear you. Most people confine their public love making to the beach or a car (before we all started driving small, environmentally friendly cars that you can’t get a leg into, let alone over) but a library is not somewhere I’d have considered. Particularly when you consider that Josh probably had a perfectly reasonable hotel room elsewhere in the building available.

This report surfaces in a British tabloid and there are no pictures or video to accompany it, so it probably isn’t true. If it is my estimation of Josh Hartnett just went up a notch.

Josh Hartnett is shown at a screening of “August” on 7/9/08 in NY. Credit: Sylvain Gaboury / PR Photos
